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safe deposit box repair

Opening Safe Deposit Boxes, Cash Drop Boxes and Safes

Opening Safe Deposit Boxes, Cash Drop Boxes and Safes

safe deposit box repairSafe deposit boxes are a great way to protect cash and valuables can come in a variety of options for different uses:

  • Bank safe deposit box
  • Business locking cash drop box
  • Hotel room safe
  • Home safes
  • Fire and water safety deposit box

Bank safe deposit boxes are a great for added protection from thieves. Safe deposit boxes require two keys, one kept by you and one kept by the bank. The bank safe deposit box is also kept within a secure area such as a bank vault for an extra layer of protection. These should only be used for valuables that you won’t need access to quickly or on a regular basis as you will only be able to gain access during regular banking hours.

Cash drop boxes are great for business that deal with cash on their premises. This enables you to only make available the cash you need to conduct regular business while continually securing any extra cash throughout the day. At the end of the when when the business is closed you can then remove all money for your drop box to deposit in the bank. This helps limit your losses in case of a robbery or remove temptation and opportunity from a customer or employee who may have access to large amounts of money otherwise.

Hotel room safes are a convenient way to store small valuables, extra money, credit cards and travel documents. But you do need to keep a few things in mind before throwing all your valuables into a room safe. First, don’t forget your items! At the end of a trip and in a rush to pack and get out before checkout or catch a flight, it’s not difficult to forget items that are out of sight! Leaving valuables behind in a hotel room safe may not be there for long after you’re gone. Hotel workers, cleaning crews and other hotel guest may have access before you are able to retrieve your valuables. Also, while a deterrent to thieves, a locked hotel room safe isn’t too difficult to open for someone with a little determination and knowledge. If you’re uncomfortable with a room safe ask hotel management if they have a more secure way to store valuables. Depending on the place you’re staying they may have a more secure hotel safe with tighter security. They’ll also be able to remind you or hold on to items you may have forgotten.

Home safes are a useful way to store emergency cash, jewelry and important documents that you use on a regular basis. You’ll want to make sure that the safe is kept in a hidden place that won’t be seen by guests or home service providers. You also want to make sure that the safe is secured in place to the floor or wall so that a burglar can’t simply walk off with your safe so they can open it later.

Fire and water resistant safe boxes are a great way to protect items from fires, flooding and natural disasters. While these safety boxes aren’t very secure and can be easily stolen, they are a very effective and affordable way for protecting items such as personal document or old photos that may be valuable to you but not have any interest or monetary value to a thief.

  • SentrySafe
  • Honeywell Safes
  • First Alert
  • Steelmaster
  • Fire-Safe
  • Hamilton Safe
  • ioSafe
  • KireKing
  • Brown Safe
  • GunVault
  • Liberty Safe
  • Gardall
  • American Security
  • Corporate Safe
  • Dean Safe
  • FOrt Knox
  • Hayman Safe
  • Megasafe
  • A&B Safe
  • Allied Safe
  • Browning
  • Sturdy Safe
  • Stack-On
  • Rhino Safe
  • Bighorn Classic
  • SnapSafe
  • Mesa Safe
  • Hollon Safe
  • BedBunker

Locked out of your safety deposit box, dropbox or safe? Discount Locksmith is available 24 hours a day to help you gain access! Our professional locksmiths can be at your location within minutes to assist. Call Now!